Monday 30 September 2013


Bun in the oven

Shay Carl is having his fifth baby very soon and recently his brother announced that him and his wife Kayle are expecting their third child. Grandma and grandpatard must be thrilled, 10 years ago they had their first grandchild and now they will have 9 grandchildren after Kayle gives birth, busy kids they have!

Well the Shaytards just keep popping them out :p

About 7 months ago Kayli went to the doctor and had her IUD taken out so this child was planned, they had been trying for 4 months when she finally got pregnant.

Congratulations to Casey and Kayli Lavere

Also Judy from its Judy time and her husband Benji are expecting twins! Hope there won't be any scandal again from Benji. Actually I kinda do.

Remember the scandal?  Well let me remind you!